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The Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) is the only international standard language (ISO 22093) for input files (programs) used for the control of dimensional measuring equipment, and coordinate measuring machines in particular.
It is also approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an American National Standard and is most widely used metrology standard that exists today.
Now, from DMIS 5.1, the language has been completed and recently approved as an American National Standard. Since the release of version 5.0, there have been more than ninety-five Standard Improvement Requests (SIRs) resolved by the DMIS Standards Committee.
These SIRs include specific enhancements, corrections, clarifications, and other improvements to the standard. They also include more precise definitions, simplified programming descriptions with more consistent capabilities, and improved scanning probes with displacement.
From DMIS version 5.1, the language, has also continued or expanded its capabilities in scanning, measurement features, and alignment with GD&T Standards, as well as Measurement Uncertainty.
Every person engaged in Quality Assurance involving a dimensional measuring processes, should be familiar with the DMIS Standard.
That would involve almost every manufacturing company that machines or manufactures parts to precise tolerances.
Fundamentals: The Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard is designed to provide a standard for the bi-directional communication of inspection data between computer systems and inspection equipment. The standard is a vocabulary of terms, which establishes a neutral format for inspection programs and inspection results data.

While primarily designed for communication between automated equipment, DMIS is designed to be both man-readable and man-writable, allowing inspection programs to be written and inspection results to be analyzed without the use of computer aids. With the enhancement of the High Level Language extensions, DMIS can also function and be implemented as a DME (Dimensional Measuring Equipment) language; e.g., a CMM controller internal language.

DMIS provides the vocabulary to pass inspection programs to dimensional measuring equipment and to pass measurement and process data back to an analysis, collection, and/or archiving system. Equipment which interfaces to other equipment using the DMIS vocabulary, may do so directly or it may have a translator or interpreter to convert its own native data formats into the DMIS format and/or a translator to convert the DMIS format into its own data structure.

Many companies have discovered that producing all their inspection programs in the DMIS language enables them to exchange these programs internally and externally with company subdivisions, subcontractors, or other companies around the world. The “input files” can then be created for any coordinate measuring machine (CMM) or
dimensional measuring equipment DME as needed.

See DMIS web page for futher information.